
African Pastors.



African Pastors.



“Pastors are supposed to be shepherds. Why are you not? Your wives are all over the social media, parading naked, wearing skimpy outfits. What are you?  Do you think you should act like prostitutes,  when you are mine? I am not yours then, for i am not a prostitute, i can not be one with you.

“Popularity is what you wane. What do you want to do with popularity? Sleep with me, or sleep with her because popular people must sleep. I cannot use your popularity for anything, becareful. Lead my sheep well, stay close to me or you will be destroyed.  The times are evil. Coronavirus is gone. Goodbye to you for now until i come again. I came to save you from your destruction. Money you don’t have but you love the west and all its evil practices.

I AM THE MOST HIGH GOD walk with me and be blameless. I will not use anyone of you as i use her, so beware. I am yours, you are not mine yet.

Nigerians are terrible. They are mine anytime they are in trouble, as soon as i help them they flee. Lagos women are party animals. Psychedelic to the core, poor in spirit, terrible on the pulpit, but heavy on the bed with animals. Sleeping with all sorts of women and men. It is sex galore or nothing. Marriage is about sex not companionship, who preached this,  at what time in what way? How do i know you are not a dog to speak like this.



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